Every day from the workshop are baked an infinite number of delicious creations of sweet and savory pastries ….
We brought French butter to Ponte Milvio and we banned margarine from our laboratories because we strongly believe in the natural product and we do not marry chemical preparations, just as our organism does not appreciate them …
We put a lot of love for the classic bakery pastry with which we all grew up; from biscuits to pies, from plum cakes to ciambelloni, from sfogliati from tea to leavened products. The latter then make us particularly proud.
For the holidays, in fact, we produce panettone and colomba made exclusively with our mother yeast, a lot of patience and love, as was once done; without addition of any preparation or compound.
We are proud to participate in King Panettone, the biggest national event for this fantastic and unique dessert.
The skillful hand of the confectioners then creates cakes, single portions and mignon of high quality.
The customization of cakes of any kind is a stimulating game, it is to make the customer happy and always question themselves.
To make it all the more beautiful is the fact of being able to see the pastry chefs working from the windows of one of the restaurant rooms, a clear synonymous with transparency, hygiene and safety of their vehicles.